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© copyright Jeff Sabin, 2004. All images on this site that do not include copyright information were obtained via freeware. Contact the designer if any of these images are private property, and they will be removed immediately.

This site does not proclaim the official policies of the Society for Creative Anachronism (henceforth SCA), the Shire of Gryphon's Lair,or Weber County Parks. If discrepancies arise concerning parking, event times, or fees, the owner of this site, the SCA, and the Shire of Gryphon's Lair will not be responsible for damages. Please verify exact information by contacting the event planners.

The SCA, the Shire of Gryphon's Lair, and the website designer do not endorse any advertisements or merchants on the site. This is a free webhost, and advertisements are added to the site by the host in order to provide this website at no cost.